Tips for a Vacation with Your Dog
For your best dog-friendly vacation in Door County, take the time to plan ahead. Here are five guidelines for bringing your pup to the peninsula or Washington Island.
Dogs are welcome in Door County, but don’t expect to be able to take them everywhere.
Dogs are not allowed at many beaches due to safety and health concerns, but your pup can take a dip at many other specific dog-friendly beaches, boat launches, and marinas. Do your research to find out how dog-friendly your preferred beach is before heading out.
Keep pets on leashes.
On the trails at state parks, sidewalks, and almost anywhere in the county, dogs are welcome, but keep them on a leash. It’s common courtesy to your fellow humans, but it’s also a good rule to follow to keep your dog safe and sound.
When a restaurant won’t let your dog inside, they’re not being unfriendly.
According to state law, dogs are not allowed in dining establishments in Door County. However, with the proper variance from the state, they are allowed on many restaurant patios and decks.
Find dog-friendly restaurant patios here
Exercise caution during walks.
When walking your dog on the county’s rural roads, be aware that speed limits are often 45–55mph. Wear bright clothing, walk or run against traffic, and step off the road when cars approach on narrow roads.
Many towns and villages have their own dog parks.
Take your family pet to the dog park nearest you to let loose, meet other pups, run laps, and chase endless tennis balls.
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